miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012

Can internet help the world to be a better place?

Internet is probably one of most used inventions that has been created recently. But, has been a good invention? Can it improve our world?

Well, internet, just like all things that exist, has aplications in pro and cons.

On the one hand, internet allows children an easy way to see things that they shouldn't see like pornographies, inapropiated films etc. Moreover, internet permits to unknown people see you, know about your life, where are you etc

Althought on the other hand, internet has all potential to help the world. All the information is in the webs, people now can search everything in. Internet can show everyone the real problems of the world. Furthmore, do us the possibility of promote us and promote our projects and be in contact with our people constantly.

In summary, internet in his correct use is a very interesting way to do very positive things that can help resolve the problems of this world. It's a very great tool that we have and use it is our debt.

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