domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

Big fish

The other day I watched a film that I love: Big fish. The film is about a young man who's name is William Bloom. Will don't understand his father Eduard. Always is telling very strange histories about his life. Will, stop believing him. He thinks that his father is a liar. In the film you can see the histories of Eduard when he was young. In his stories Eduard does incredible things. He meets a giant and make friens. He meets a witch who can see the way you will die. He finds a strange secret town. And he fall in love at first sight. He works in a circus to discovered who is the girl. After works in the circus he meets with the girl Sandra Tempelton and get married with her... Along the film he tell a lot of more stories and gets ill. Will starts to search information about the life of his father but he has to go to the hospital to stay with his father that has become worse. The finall is the best of the film. Eduard, after die, forces Will explain the finall of the fathers' storie and how he will die in the storie. After explain it, Eduard dies in peace. Finally , all the caracters of the fathers' stories go to the funeral! You stay impressed because result that all the incredible stories has been true! It's a very good film I like so much!

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