domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

Latest months for training

We are in May and in only three months are the INEFS physical test. I'm a little scared if I don't pass.I have to training a lot the last days to be sure that I pass. In madrid there are eight tests. For each one you get a mark from 1 to 10. The average of all the marks must be 5 or more to be accepted. The proves consist in: Jump power: it consist jump as high as possible. Is one of the most difficult because you have to jump 55 cm minimum to pas. 50 meters speed: for pass this test you have to do the 50 meters in 6 seconds aproximately. Resistance test: In this, you have to run 2 km in 6 minutes more or less. Obstacle course: you have to completing a course avoiding diferent obstacles as fast as you can. Ball control: with a handball ball you have to complete a course with some obstacles controling the ball. The half way has to be done bouncing the ball, the other half has to do controlling the ball with on the feet. Swimming test: It consist in swim along 25 meter swimming pool. You have to go swimming front crawl and go back swimming backstroke. Flexibility of the body. Medical balloon launch: Yo have to launch a 5 kg medical ball as far as you can. The ball must be launched from the way you throw the ball with the hands in football. At the moment I 've practiced the majority of the proves and I do good results. I hope I will be in top form for the day of the test because if I felt I will be very sad.

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